We challenge kids and adults to READ SOMETHING with us image

We challenge kids and adults to READ SOMETHING with us

Log pages from around the world, and charitable donations welcomed!

$14,900 raised

$20,000 goal

Choose your own amount

/ 150


Read with Students! A Celebration of READING for everyone! October 6 - 8, 2023

The 14th Annual Readthon- Kids read a LOT. Will you read, too?

Did you know that the typical adult in America only reads 4 books a year?

At AcademyACL, our students ask, "How can that be?!"

We're raising great readers, and you can join us.

You, too, can READ SOMETHING- a book, a magazine, a script, an article- during Readathon weekend 2023, starting October 6th at 8:00 am through October 8th at 8:00 pm, and log your pages online. We want to read thousands of pages as a community of readers in the Pikes Peak Region and with friends around the world.

We invite people around the region, the country, and the world, to be Reading, Reading, Reading and logging pages online.

Our 14th Annual Readathon is here!

This is our students' NUMBER ONE favorite event of the year, and it's our only all-school fundraiser. It is separate from the great work our PTO ("PAACL") does on various projects. We have even seen graduates of our school post about the Readathon with nostalgia on social media, and some of them come back to join the fun each year.

On October 6th, students will begin reading at home and at school: listening to books out loud, reading their own, reading with partners, listening to audio books. Teachers, students, adults and community members begin tracking how many pages they can read for three days.

Students are also welcome to find community sponsors who will celebrate reading with them. They get to reach out into our community and share all the good things they're doing at school, and they CELEBRATE READING.

She read books by air, by land, by sea, by skates... and now by tricycle!

For even more fun, our has historically Director accepted some sort of challenge from the students, that if they meet a goal, she'll meeting their amazing Reading Challenge on Readathon day, Friday, October 6th. She has read in the glass awards case all day, read on the roof of the school (in the rain, and with a teacher, too!), read on live horseback, and read in a pool... or a dunk tank, to be precise. In 2022, she read in a hamster ball!

This year, if students meet the funding goal, she'll be reading on a tricycle!

Stay tuned for their progress, join the fun, and help students find sponsors who want to read, read, read, too. Count your own reading pages that weekend, and log them so that we can see how much reading we accomplished that weekend! Contact office@academyacl.org for the log.

2023-24 School Goals

Goals for 2023-24 include 1) a LOT of reading, an 2) any funds raised go towards our mission- important items that are not covered by state or federal funding. Stay tuned for the students-chosen projects for these funds, that will enhance the student experience at our school -- chosen by kids, for kids.

You may choose to fund the general Readathon Challenge, or to designate for the Robotics team, or the Geek Think Films team, specifically.

Please indicate the student or group of students you want to support with your sponsorship! Any amount helps.

AcademyACL is a free, nonprofit charter public school, and donations are tax-deductible.


Check out our Facebook page for updates:

MAIN page: www.facebook.com/AcademyACLConnect

Robotics Page: www.facebook.com/AcademyACLRobotics

Forest Green at Pike Park: www.facebook.com/PlaygroundBeautiful

Graduates of Our School: www.facebook.com/AcademyACLgrad